Live To Win!

Live To Win!

It's not about the destination, but it's all about the journey

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Workouts 5/25 – 5/31/2014

June 2, 2014 1 Comment



Well this week didn’t start off well.  Sunday was my rest day and as I stated in my last post I lost 2.5 lbs.  Monday (Memorial day) was suppose to be my leg day and I procrastinated all day til the day was over and the workout was not completed 😦  Therefore, I told myself that tomorrow (Tuesday) was going to be a bitch because I was going to have to add the missed workout on top on the days workout planned!  So Tuesday is going to look like a long workout because, well, it was!  On my weigh in on Sunday, 6/1, I lost 1 lb.  God, the pounds coming off are moving so slowly!!!!!!!!!!  I need to remind myself not to put a lot of value on the scale and to go by how I feel and I can definitely say I feel stronger.  I feel it but I can’t say I see the results yet.  I guess the weight loss would be one of the results that is paying off, but my diet is also a big part of that.  I am eating really clean.  Drinking lots of water!!  Fruits and veggies have become my friend.  I can say I have cut out sugar and pretty much decreased my sodium intake substantially.  You can do all the training you want but if you don’t eat right, you will never see the benefits of your hard work in the gym.  Exercise and nutrition go hand in hand.  Got to do them both!!!  So here is my workout for the week.  Pretty much the same as last week with some few changes.

Oh, by the way, after completing this weeks workout I will have completed Phase 1.  Next week I enter Phase 2 which bumps me up to training 6 days a week!!

Sunday: Day Off

Monday: Procrastination Day!!!!!! Zippo done

Tuesday: Legs (missed workout from yesterday!) Back/Biceps    ( 3 x 10 – 15 reps, 45 sec rest between sets)

Legs: 6:40 pm

Leg Extension

Plle Dumbbell Squat

Dumbbell One-Legged Deadlift

Lying Leg Curls

Seated Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises

Legs Completed: 7:17 pm

Back/Biceps : 7:23 pm

Wide Grip Seated Rows

Wide- Grip Lat Pulldown

Seated Cable Rows

Smith Machine Bent Over Row

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Alternate Hammer Curl

Back/Bicecps completed: 8:10 pm

Wednesday: Chest/Triceps  (3 x 10-15 reps, 45 sec rest between sets)

Pushups (modified)

Incline Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Flyes

Decline Dumbbell Flyes

Decline Close-Grip Bench to Skull Crusher

Lying Tricep Press

Tricep Dumbbell Kickback

Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Cable One Arm Tricep Extension

Cardio: 40 min on incline trainer

Thursday: Legs  (3 x 10-15 reps, 45 sec rest between sets) ( Almost didn’t get done was tired and irritated)

Leg Extensions

Plle Dumbbell Squats

Dumbbell One-Legged Deadlift

Lying Leg Curls

Seated Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises

Friday: Shoulder/ABS (3 x 10-15 reps, 45 sec rest between sets)

Seated Dumbbell Press

Back Flyes with Band

Front Dumbbell Raises

Arnold Dumbbell Press

Side Lateral Raise

Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raises


Lying Leg Raises with Stability Ball

Oblique Crunches (Floor)

Saturday: Day Off

The first four weeks are done!!  I made it through Phase 1.  In the original workouts there are lunges and hyperextensions for the back.  Since I have bad knees (5 surgeries) and a bad back (Double low back fusion) I have to side step these exercises and look for alternate movements.  Go to and look up Jamie Easons LIVEFIT workout for the EXACT workout plan.

Workouts 5/18 – 5/24/ 2014

June 2, 2014


This week went well.  At my weigh in I lost 2.5 lbs.  Yay!!!!  Made it through week 3 of my  program.  This week was tough because it had me weight training five times during the week.  There were moments of procrastination, but I pulled myself together and got through it.  Once again the workouts below are 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps.  I have a home gym and this is where I train.  Some of the exercises had to be modified since I didn’t have the equipment.  You can find this workout on, Jamie Easons LIVEFIT program.

Eating plan is still the same.  I try and stay between 1200 – 1500 calories.  On days I am not training I stay closer to 1200.  The coconut water, to me, is not very tasty.  I’m still drinking it because I know it is good for me, but I drink it fast to get it down.  Some of you might like it.  I’m just struggling with it.  Chia seeds are my favorite.  The fiber content is great and I love sprinkling it on yogurt.

So below was the workout for this past week……….

Monday: Legs/Calves (3 sets x 10 – 15 reps) (45 second rest between sets)

Leg Extensions

Wide Stance Barbell Squat


Dumbbell One – Legged Deadlift

Lying Leg Curls

Seated Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raises

Tuesday: Back/Biceps (3 sets x 10-15 reps) (45 sec rest between sets)

Wide Grip Seated Rows

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

Seated Cable Rows

Hyperextensions (back extensions)  on stability ball

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Incline Dumbbell Curls

Alternate Hammer Curls

Wednesday: Chest/Triceps (3 sets x 10-15 reps) (45 sec rest between sets)

Push Ups (m0dified, my upper body strength is still not the greatest right now)

Incline Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Flyes

Decline Dumbbell Flyes

Lying Triceps Press

Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks

Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

Cable One Arm Tricep Extension

Cardio: 30 min Treadmill, 15 min Bike = 45 min Cardio routine

Thursday: Legs (3 sets x 10-15 reps) (45 sec rest between sets)

Leg Extensions

Wide Stance Dumbbell Squat

Dumbbell One-Legged Deadlift

Lying Leg Curls

Seated Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises

Cardio: 30 min on bike

Friday: Shoulder/ABS  (3 sets x 10 – 15 reps) ( 45 sec rest between sets)

Seated Dumbbell Press

Back Flyes With Band

Front Dumbbell Raises

Arnold Dumbbell Press

Side Lateral Raise

Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise


Leg Raises With Stability Ball

Saturday: Cardio Day

01:06:00 walk/jog on the incline trainer

Weigh In: -2.5 lbs

Workouts 5/11 – 5/17/2014

May 24, 2014


Sunday: Day Off

Monday: Chest/Ticeps


Dumbbell Bench Press

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes


Standing Dumbell Extensions

Triceps Pushdown

Cardio: 40 min walk on treadmill

Tuesday:  Back/Biceps

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

One- Arm Dumbbell Row

Seated Cable Rows

Underhand Cable Pulldowns

One Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Standing Bicep Cable Curl

Cardio: None

Wednesday: Legs/Calves


Leg Extensions

Wide Stance Dumbbell Squat

Leg Curls

Standing Calf Raises

Seated Calf Raises

Cardio: None

Thursday:  Shoulders/ABS

Seated Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Front Arm Raises

Side Lateral Raise

Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise

Exercise Ball Crunch

Air Bike

Cardio: None

Friday:  Off Day

Saturday: Cardio (Long Day)

01:05:00  X9i Incline Trainer

Sunday the 18th was my weigh in date.  Down 1/2 lb.  I guess it’s better than nothing.  I have to learn to quit defining my journey in weight loss by the scale.  Such a bad habit and one that is hard to let go.  I’ve been told to judge my progress by how I feel, how my clothes fit and do body measurements.  The scale is the worst thing you can use because of body fluctuations.  Plus with all the weight training I have to remember I am gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.  Also fluid intake, especially for women, can mess with your weigh ins on the scale.

When I am doing these exercises above, I usually go 3 sets x 10 – 15 repetitions.  I keep a journal of my workouts so when repeating the same exercise next week (if that is what the plan calls for), I have an idea of the weight to start with.  Sometimes I go up in weight, and other times I stay the same.  I’ve actually had to drop my weight down to finish off a set a couple of times.  Just depends on the muscle group (like my shoulders are weak).

My diet has remained the same.  1200-1500 calories is what I am shooting for in a day.  I take multi-vitamins, Calcium, Fish oil, baby aspirin (for my hear) and Osteo Biflex for my joints.  I also take EAS Betagen with Revigor to aid in muscle soreness and recovery.  I use Body Fortress Whey Protein, which is easily found in the grocery store, Wal-Mart, or health food stores.  This works for me.  I just started drinking coconut water and put Chia Seeds in most of what I eat.  I can’t tell a huge difference right now because I just started and will keep you posted on what I think about the products.

I can see by what I have posted that I need to increase my cardio.  I will try this next week and see if it helps at all.  Next week will be challenging as the workouts are 5 days a week instead of the 4 I have been doing.  Til then stay safe and stay strong!!


May 13, 2014

We all have those day: Up late at night, hungry and are craving sugar or something salty. There on the shelf is a bag of chips and some ice cream in the refrigerator!! Next we know, we are sitting in front of the TV eating all these calories to no avail.

You go to a party and know you should be eating all the healthy snacks (like veggies, fruits, grilled chicken) but the temptation is just to great and you end up eating the little sandwiches made with real mayonnaise and while you’re at it, nibble on the dessert as well!

I’ve been there. Haven’t you? When you stay to a strict, clean, eating plan eventually your body is going to crave what it misses. It always strikes at just the right moment when those certain forbidden foods are made accessible.

There are several ways you can avoid the dreaded binge monster:

1) Ask yourself why you are bingeing. Are you craving sugar, salt, etc? Are you eating out of emotional feelings? Are you a late night snacker? Are you feeling pressured into eating?

2) If you know you are prone to bingeing, then have a plan.

3) Clean out your cupboards

4) Have some raw veggies or fruit available to snack on

5) If you have to have chips, crackers, etc., read the serving size. Put only that amount in a dish and slowly eat it.

6) Allow yourself one cheat day (or cheat meal) a week. If you are craving chocolate, or dessert, or pizza, etc., go ahead and have it. The cheat day/meal could also be because you are going to a party, out to dinner, etc.

7) Don’t ever feel pressured into eating what you know you can’t control. This is your chance to do something for yourself. Don’t give others that control. Stand up for yourself and choose accordingly.

8) Remember after you binge, it’s always a little more difficult to get back on the wagon. At least I find it hard. I feel so disappointed that starting back seems a little more difficult, which brings me to number 9.

9) Forgive yourself!!!!!!!! We all make mistakes. It’s going to happen to the best of us. Be strong. Log what you ate and move on. Check it off as a cheat day and get back in the saddle.

10) Log your food. By logging your food you will see all the calories you consumed for that day. If you are right at your calorie maximum intake, that in itself may keep you from bingeing.

11) Pray to God (or your higher power) for help. There is much greatness in the power of prayers. God will help you stay the course and when you fail, he will be there to put you back in line.

Just remember, bingeing is part of the recovery process. It didn’t take you overnight to gain weight and it’s not going take you overnight to loose it. We will hit rocks along the journey and then need to pick ourselves up and move forward, not backwards.

Workouts for 5/4/2014 – 5/10/2014

May 11, 2014


This weeks workout went really well.  I started doing Jamie Eason’s LiveFIT workout from  It’s a 12 week program so I have 11 more to go.  I added some cardio during the week and found myself down 2 lbs. I’ll take it!  The workouts were as follows:

 Sunday – Off

Monday – Chest/Triceps

Tuesday – Back/Biceps

Wednesday –  Legs/Calves

Thursday – Shoulders/ABS

Friday – 1 hour cardio (Incline Trainer)

Saturday – o1:13:50 cardio (Incline Trainer)

-2 lbs at weigh in

Nutrition:  I have kept myself on a 1200 – 1500 calorie restriction.  I am mostly staying close to 1200.  I’ve added chia seeds back into my eating plan.  I find them filled with Omega – 3 fatty acids and fiber. They aid in digestion and help calm the intestines.  I’ve been trying really hard to get my water intake in and have been drinking green tea for the antioxidants.  I’ve pretty much cut my coffee out and replaced it with hot Green tea.  I’ve been logging my food in daily.  I use SPARKPEOPLE’s  nutritional journal.  It comes in really handy and the app they have for the iPhone or android phones is really nice.

I am hoping this week coming on will be just as successful!!


iFit workout Times Square Manhattan, NY

April 11, 2014

iFit  workout: Times Square Manhattan, NY



It’s been awhile since I have recorded any of my workouts.  To be honest, I slipped off the workout wagon and enthralled myself back into the world of gaming.  Not good.  I went on Facebook yesterday and pretty much declared to all my friends and family that today was going to be the day I change all that.  I joined Weight Watchers to help with food tracking.  I am back on my incline trainer, which felt really good today.  I also bought an app from apple called Tony Gonzalez FitStar.  Tony Gonzalez is a tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs.  He’s only missed two games in his 17 year career.  On my down days from my incline trainer, I will be using his program.

Today’s workout was through Times Square.  Below is a picture I took from my NordiTrack X9i screen.  You can see how nice it is to workout having a street view of the area your are in.  The picture changes, it does not stay on just one shot.  It moves throughout your workout.  Like watching a slow video.  Pretty cool!


Anyway today’s workout was 2.55 miles (no running, just walking)

5 minutes -1.0 – 0 incline

5 minutes 5% incline

5 minutes 10% incline

5 minutes 5% incline

5 minutes 10% incline

5 minutes 12% incline

5 minutes 15% incline

5 minutes 10% incline

5 minutes 5% incline

5 minutes 10% incline

5 minutes 15% incline    End of program

5 min cooldown at 0% incline

Times Square

Slow time, but it’s all about small steps in the right direction!

Gives me a starting point and goals to shoot for 🙂

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico iFit workout

January 21, 2014


Carbo San Lucas, Mexico

This is one of my iFit incline training workouts.  Not my best.  I was tired and I did this a 10pm.  Too late!!  30% incline just about killed me. But I got it done and that’s all that matters 🙂 Want to learn more about Cabo San Lucas, Mexico?  Click on the link below the picture.  It’s a beautiful area.  I may have to take a vacation there one day!!
0% incline – 5 minutes
10% incline – 5 minutes
20% incline – 5 minutes
25% incline – 5 minutes
10% incline – 5 minutes
20% incline – 5 minutes
30% incline – 2 minutes (I was dying here.  My heart rate was around 160)
20% incline – 5 minutes
10% incline – 5 minutes
20% incline – 5 minutes
5% incline – 3 minutes

Zoo Zurich, Switzerland Incline Workout

January 10, 2014

Zoo Zurich, Switzerland


 (Click on pictures to be directed to the zoo’s personal website)

The Zürich Zoo, situated on a hillside away from downtown, is excellent. It’s compact, tree-filled and has about 2,000 animals from 250 different species. There are tropical rainforests and an enormous biosphere. The fascinating Madagascar pavilion and the elephant house are worth a look. That statement was provided by TripAdvisor .  If you go to their website there are 179 photographs of the zoo that visitors have displayed.


Now about my workout!  As you all know by now I use the NordicTrack X9i incline trainer.  I pulled up the map of this zoo which gave me a 2 mile loop around the area.  I saw a lot of pretty vegetation but no animals 😦  Google maps mostly kept their camera on the visitor trails that go through the park.  They didn’t go off trail to some of the exhibits, which would have been really cool if they did!! But back on subject, the image below shows my map and stats for this workout.  I didn’t follow the planned workout the treadmill had for me, I spiced mine up with incline increases up to 25% incline.  Yes, the time is slow for 2 miles, but when you add the elevation to the program, well sometimes you just have to slow down.  At least I do 🙂  Listed below are my elevation times……..


-2% Decline – 3 minutes

0% Flat surface – 5 minutes

10% Incline – 5 minutes

15% Incline – 5 minutes

20% Incline – 5 minutes

10% Incline – 5 minutes

25% Incline – 5 minutes

15% Incline – 5 minutes

10% Incline – 3 minutes

Well that’s today’s program.  Will have to come up with something good tomorrow.  Most my workouts I get from iFit, so I will see what they have happening.

Hope your day has been as blessed as mine 🙂    Cya

Incline Training for Weight Loss

January 2, 2014


Incline Training is one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight. Despite whoever told you, you have to run to lose weight, they were wrong. Walking at an incline over 21% at 2 mph can be just as effective as running flat at 6 mph. Here are some benefits of Incline Training:

Heart Rate: Your heart rate at a 24% incline and 2 mph is greater than 0% incline at 6 mph. The greater the incline the higher your heart rate will go. Incline training is one of the best ways to train your heart without having major impact on your joints.

Fat Utilization: Research shows at a incline of 21% and 2 mph, fat is the primary source of energy, burning 6.5 kcals per minute. When walking slowly on a steep incline you will become oxidative, which means you will burn from your fat stores and not from your previous meal.

Fat Test Study:

  • 0% at 6 mph burns 360 calories – 57 from Fat
  • 21% at 2 mph burns 296 calories – 194 from Fat

Muscle Activation: 18% incline and above is where all the magic happens! In fact, from 15% to 18% you have 30% more muscle activation. Most people have a hard time turning on the glutes, but this is a great way to activate them. Not only will you burn more calories when you have more muscles, but your weight loss will look better. At 27% incline and above:

  • Glutes are engaged 100%
  • Hamstrings are engaged 73%
  • Calfs are engaged 90%

Variation: Variation in your training allows for creativity, enjoyment, progression and specificity. Performing variations like skips, side shuffles, backwards walk will increase your calorie burn and muscle activation. Do not exceed 24% incline on any side movements on an incline due to the shear forces it puts on the knee.

  • Workout: Side Shuttles at an incline (under 24%) are a great way to target your inner/outer thighs.

Don’t worry if running is not in the books for you, or even if it is, Incline Training is a great way to mix up your workouts, burn fat, activate your muscles, decrease pressure on your joints and increase your heart rate.


Article from:

1/2/2014 Seattle Washington Workout

January 2, 2014 1 Comment


Incline Workout on the NordicTrack X9i…..Downtown Seattle, Washington

0% Incline – 5min

5% incline – 5 min

10% incline- 5 min

15% incline – 5 min

20% incline – 5 min

15% incline – 5 min

10% incline – 5 min

5% incline – 5 min

-4% decline – 5 min

0% incline – 5 min



I pretty much am walking my workouts.  5 knee surgeries, two foot/ankle surgeries and a double fusion in my lower back keep me from running at this time.  My times are slow, but trust me when you hit some of these high incline percentages you have no choice but to slow down your speed (unless your a super athlete who runs hills for training :).  I wasn’t going to post my times and distances since I will admit, I’m a bit embarrassed by them.  But I have to start somewhere and all I want is to see these numbers improve.  I am only in competition with myself after all 🙂